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Revolutionary governmental bodies were set up in Tbilisi after the revolution in February-March of 1917. A voluntary association of political parties, the germ of national authority, international council started functioning at the beginning of April. Due to the difficult international political situation, when a war front was close to our country ,when there was a Civil War in Russia and when South Caucasus including Georgia have been cut ties with Russia, Georgia had to care of itself – the Georgian nation faced the issue to survive physically. These events played the decisive role in speeding setting up national political body. The National Congress of all Georgia that gathered on 19 No-vember, 1917 elected a National Council on November 22 of the same year. The National Congress has assigned the National Council to administrate the political, cultural and economic affairs of the Georgian nation. Georgia didn’t have an independent national budget. The National Congress adopted a resolution about financial issues where we can read that future National Council would be given the right to collect taxes and take a loan voluntarily “to defend Georgian affairs”. On November 28, 1917 special commissions were established to guide various cases. It included the Financial Commission that should have the head from the executive committee members. K. Meskhi was appointed to be the head of the Financial Commission. The National Council often rose the question of how to strengthen the National Council financially. They complained about a very small donation. That is why the National Council addressed Georgian patriots, both within the country and abroad, to give their contribution and render material aid to their Motherland which was in trouble. In addition, the National Council appealed other measures to strengthen the foundation of the National Council. In particular, we learn from the National Council Resolu-tion adopted on March 30, 1918 that "all state and public institution employees should pay not less than 1% of their salary every month from March” The National Council did its responsibility with dignity.