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In 2015 modules of professional programmes were prepared according to new professional standards, among which was fifth step professional programme for “Mentor-teacher of Day Nursery”. It is preferable to create a new module within the programme, teaching of which will give the mentor-teacher an opportunity to improve the skills of using informational-communication technologies in the teaching process and formation of 21st century skills, which accordingly will change the expectations towards the contemporary mentor-teacher. As a result, teaching environment will become more interesting and attractive; children will improve skills in accordance with the preschool education standard. Field: 4. cognitive development and general knowledge; Sub-field – 4.4. technology; direction – 4.4.1. technology. Teaching process will become effective and fun using computer games in preschool age.
The following methodology and tools were used during the research process of the issue:
- Analysis of legislation
- Quantitative survey – using the specially-designed questionnaire parents of preschool age children, teachers and managers of day nursery were surveyed; workshops and interviews were held with them. It should be noted that attitude of managers, teachers and parents towards using computer games in preschool age is basically positive in case of existing of properly developed infrastructure at the preschool institutions.
- Learning activities with preschool age children;
- Analysis of results.
As a result in the preschool age it is permissible to use different computer games. In this type of learning and teaching environment children develop cognitive skills.
As a result of using computer games, preschool age children, according to the state standards of school readiness, develop interest in different type of technologies, can use computer graphic programs, using which they draw, group or construct different figures. Also, according to the standards try to be carefulness and use the technology tools with responsibility.
It is important, that in this type of teaching environment children are much motivated, form a positive attitude towards learning, which will help them in the starting stage of school and successful learning on the further levels.