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Natela Natsvlishvili-Beridze


Some new and interesting methods in teaching grammar of the Georgian language have been revealed during working with foreign students and the students who finished non Georgian schools. The students for whom Georgian is not a native language come across some difficulties in learning the verb.

The article deals with the way, method of teaching one of the categories of the verb. It is a method how to teach one of the categories of the verb (the present tense). This method gives an opportunity to the students who finished non Georgian schools to form the present tense of the verb more easily. The article highlights the conditions which should precede teaching the present tense. After learning set markers by heart (as objective as well as subjective), students get introduced to thematic suffixes. It is recommended to present verbs with different the-matic suffixes and learn them by heart in order to enrich lexical stock.
Teaching verbs are divided into two stages:
Teaching starts with the method which implies decomposing verbs into component parts. It is the first stage of teaching when the vocabulary stock increases and students become aware of feature of the Georgian verb. They are introduced to verb categories and their forming affixes.
Students get ready for the II stage. On this stage students know that there are exceptions in Georgian verbs which they should remember step by step.
It should be mentioned that teaching grammar of the Georgian language requires a long time.

verb, the present tense, set markers, thematic suffixes, method
Published: Oct 21, 2022

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Education, pedagogics