The Peculiarities of the Maradidi Klarjuli Narration

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Natela Phartenadze


The linguistic characteristics of any dialect are particularly evident in the process of natural speech. In order to reveal the peculiarities of the Maradidi Klarjuli narration, we have focused on the manner of speaking, in particular: intonation, rate of speech, pronunciation and grammar peculiarities, modal-expressive transformations, vocabulary-phraseology, etc. Although, it is impossible to betray accurately what was said on a piece of paper and to bring it to a reader, any well-written text only roughly conveys all the features of oral speech. However, the peculiarities of the Maradidi Klarjuli narration represent a fact, which is mostly determined by the internal, immanent regularities, and in some cases – by lack of vocabulary.

Published: Feb 1, 2023

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