Teaching the forms of degrees of the Adjectives in Turkish-speaking groups

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Maia Kikvadze


Learning a new language always involves the process of distinguishing the similarities and differences in native language and languages of study. The more similarity is in the languages, the easier it is to use the second language. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the specifications of languages.

While working in non-Georgian speaking groups, during the process of teaching the noun we focus on the adjective as the word indicating the subject matter. The characteristic feature of the adjective denotes different quantity and quality.

There are three degrees of comparison in both languages: the positive, the comparative, the superlative but the means of expression are different.

The quality in Georgian language is transferred in two ways: inherent, formed by special affixes: (did-i big; mo-did-o bigger; u-did-es-i biggest) and descriptive : a) use of other words (odnav didi slightly big; dzalian didi very big =the biggest; metad lamazi very beautiful…. b) stem doubling (maghal-maghali tall ; shav-shavi black).

The different situation is in Turkish language. The comparative degree of the adjectives is inherent and formed only by the suffixes: - ça, -çe , - ca, -ce, -çık, -çik, -çuk, -çük (sıcak hot – sıcak-ça hotter; büyük big – büyük-çe bigger; kara black – kara-ca black; serın cool– serın-ce cooler; küçük little – küçü-cük less...).

The similarities and differences are met in the superlative forms. Some ways of descriptive formation are used in Turkich language: 1) en prefix: güzel beautiful – en güzel the most beautiful. 2) partial repeating of the stem : Temiz clean – te-r-temiz the cleanest 3) repeating the full stem: Sarı-sarı elmalar yellow-yellow apples. 4) insert the interrogative particle between the reduplicated stem: güzel mi güzel bir kiz the most beautiful girl.

In the presented paper the methods of teaching the forms of degrees of the adjectives are emphasized, distinguishing the similarities and differences in native and Turkish languages .

Published: Feb 1, 2023

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Author Biography

Maia Kikvadze , Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University

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