Creative techniques in a media text

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ნესტან მამუჭაძე


Text is a primary unit to measure journalism. Word is a strong tool of media. Art of words is what brings media to society, which is its audience.

Journalism is called the fourth branch of government. It governs the audience. Media text is a strong tool, which manipulates the society, creates a system of dominant concepts. Psychological factor has one of the critical roles in it.

Are creative techniques kinds of trick of journalism or are they essential elements? What does it serve _ Is it just an expression of creative elements by author or does it intend to purposefully move audience's attention to a different topic?! For example, what is allegory,metaphor, epithet, hyperbole, sarcasm, satire or comparison (and many more) used for in a journalistic text and to what extent can we consider it to be a leverage of a modern media?! _ Main point is in the text, which will be discussed for the reader in a full version of the article.

Journalistic text may be defined as a unit of communication, of course, only if it meats all seven standards of textuality. The main creator of a text is a person itself, but media should only serve the truth. Media text should show the full picture of reality and the creative techniques should also be used by the author only to describe reality.

Published: Feb 1, 2023

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ნესტან მამუჭაძე, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University

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