The formation of defensive fences and long wall structures in the countries of the ancient East

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Zurab Samkharadze
Givi Sanadze


The study is devoted to the comparative analysis of the fortification art monuments of a number of Eastern states - from ancient Egypt to medieval China. An attempt was made to identify the main stages of the development of defensive structures - from a free fortress to the most complex systems of urban and border defensive fortifications, including castle moats, walls, gates and battle towers. It is shown that the nature of these architectural structures was largely determined by the status of the city or settlement, the characteristics of its natural landscape, the specifics of the construction materials used, the quality of constructions and materials, and the level of development of military and engineering arts. The first fortifications appeared approximately in the 7th-4th millennium BC. Their need arose in connection with the construction of permanent settlements, whose inhabitants were engaged in agriculture. Tied to a certain territory, they were forced to protect their lives and property from the invasions of nomadic tribes. Examples of such fortifications were primitive settlements, permanent and temporary military camps. In these buildings, their creators experimented with a variety of building structures and materials, evaluating their strength and fire resistance. This experience was further developed in the architecture of slave states (ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, etc.). The initial stage of the development of the art of fortification was the construction of relatively small fortresses, which initially served as the fortified centers of permanent settlements. Later they began to be built to protect strategically important objects: water sources, hills, mountain valleys and passes, caravan routes, roads and ports. Various forms, dimensions and methods of spatial combination of walls, battle towers and castle gates were tested on these small "models", the optimal form of battle fences and battle slits was created, methods of building defensive trenches and quickly filling them with water were identified and developed. At the same time, different types of siege constructions and mechanisms were tested, tunnel construction technologies and methods of mining enemy fortifications were developed. This was a strong stimulus for the development of polyorcetics - the art of cities, castles, sieges and defenses. The next stage of the development of the art of fortification was the defense systems of small, medium and large cities. The work discusses the urban fortification systems of Sumer, Assyria, Urartu, ancient Iran, Judea, India and China. The work focuses on the construction of defensive fences and long walls erected on the borders of ancient eastern states. It was noted that these structures took into account the features of the natural relief of the area and the nature of its water sources, as well as the properties of the construction materials used. The defense system of these vast fortresses, the methods of visual and sound communication between watchtowers, mobile detachments and garrisons in the rear, options for their placement and deployment in the event of an enemy appearance were carefully thought out. For example, the experiences of ancient Egypt, Urartu and ancient China (the Great Wall of China) are discussed. These monuments of military architecture have significant scientific value for the further development of defensive fortifications of ancient states (ancient Greece and Rome), the Middle Ages and modern times.

Ancient East, Art of fortification, the castle, Urban defense system, Border wall
Published: Dec 26, 2024

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