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On July 17, 2010 an amendment was made in “The Law about General Education” according to which a five year old child could go to school. (It was voluntary). The law entered into force in 2011 academic year.
The above mentioned issue caused different attitudes in the socie-ty. A great number of them appreciate it negatively, They say that a leading form of the behavior of five year old child is a game, his memo-ry is episodic, behavior and mental processes are unintentional, They can’t envisage characteristics of some subjects don’t have developed motor skills, their thinking is visualized, attention is unintentional, con-centration is low. They can’t stand any form of evaluation and school routine. They also can’t beat a program material and become less moti-vated. Different researches prove that starting school for five year old child worsens their knowledge. To be more exact, it injures the psy-chology of future generation. Those who support the above mentioned problem explain it with the process of acceleration and prove that it is not a problem at all. Though they forget the three necessary components-psychological, intellectual and socio-personal. And if a child is one component behind, it is a crime. So, to my mind we must say no to taking five year old child to school, Families and kindergartens should take care of them and pre-pare them for school.