The Main Directions Of Improving The Personnel Recruitment System Of The Georgian Defense Forces

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Tengiz Shubladze


Today in our country there is an objective contradiction between the demand for human resources with the knowledge, skills and quality defined by the Defense Forces and the economic, demographic, ideological and socio-legal capabilities of the state to meet these requirements. The degree of aggravation of this resistance must be taken into account in the process of improving the recriuting system of our country’s military organization. Based on the above, we consider the most optimal way of complectation the Georgian Defense Forces to be a mixed way, which means that the positions of the military unit, which mainly determine its level of combat readiness and combat power, as well as those that require more time and resources, should be staffed by contract service. And other positions – with conscripts. We believe that this model of complectation of the defense forces is fully fits with the interests of our country, as well as its capabilities.

Defense Force Recruitment, Recruitment Principles, Recruitment Techniques, Recruitment Resource, Influence Factors on Recruitment
Published: Sep 27, 2021

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