მოსახლეობის შიდა მიგრაციის პრობლემები და გამოწვევები
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Population migration is a complex social process caused by the changes in production and economic structure, as well as by the increase of labor and social mobility of the population. Many medium and small cities have experienced internal migration processes in recent years. Exceptions are large urban agglomerations, some resort and recreation centers. Like the villages, small towns mostly lose young people, who form a contingent of educational migrants and constitute a significant portion of labor migrants to big cities. Cities, that do not have sufficiently diversified labor markets and educational centers, lose 20-30% of young people. As a result, the population is subject to accelerated ageing, the reproduction potential is significantly degraded.
The socio-philosophic approach to migration problems aims to develop a general concept for understanding migration processes. In the context of the contradictory perception of the phenomenon of migration and, at the same time, the increasing mobility of people in the modern society, it is a social philosophy that makes it possible to develop constructive methodological principles for the study of social movements. Thus, socio-philosophic research becomes the theoretical basis for different interpretations and attitudes towards the migratory mobility of people. The interdisciplinary nature of the problem determines the use of a set of different research methods based on the implementation of systemic, socio-cultural, socio-psychological, comparative and other approaches, which provide results that objectively reflect the current status of the problem, allow to determine the reasons of migration and develop scientifically based recommendations.
This Paper discusses the content of this process, determines the types of internal migration and defines its characteristics. Internal migration is the movement of people from one region to another within the same country. Internal migration is one form of population migration. Usually, main reasons are economic factors - a level of income and expenditure, as well as the quality of life. Internal migration is common to many countries. One of the examples is urbanization - the movement of people from villages to cities. Internal migration is the movement of population within the territory of Georgia. It may be forced or voluntary. Voluntary resettlement is observed when citizens voluntarily move to another place due to personal circumstances. Forced migration occurs when there is an unavoidable necessity to move to another region: due to violence on the basis of nationality or race, threat to life or other reasons. This type of migration affects the labor market and employment in different ways. On one hand, it causes additional expenses for accommodation of internally displaced persons and refugees, payment of certain monetary benefits for them, etc. The economic condition and demographic situation may deteriorate. Migration has a significant impact on the employment of the population, the balance of labor force and the jobs both in individual regions and in the country as a whole. Migration causes a change of the structure and number of the population in individual territories of the state. It also causes a formation of groups of the employed and unemployed ablebodied population. In this process, much attention is paid to the gender and age structure of migrants since the disproportionality of such migrants has a negative impact on the development of the region that people leave.