Research And Development Of Technology For Production High Ballistic Efficiency Metal Ceramic Plates

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Zaqaria Melashvili
Teimuraz Namicheishvili
Zurab Aslamazashvili
George Parunashvili
Garegin Zakharov
Mikheil Chikhradze
Konstantine Papava


The work is discussed the process of SHS-Electric rolling for obtaining metal-ceramic ballistic impact-resistant, wear-resistant, heat-resistant and corrosion resistant plates of increased geometric size he from selected chasm of TiB2, TiB06 and TiBN in the system of Ti-B and Ti-B-N. The paper describes, in particular, the fluidity analysis of the synthesized chasm, the dynamics of hardening in the deformation core, geometric acceleration and force parameters. On their bases technological modes are developed, which provide the necessary equality of rolling and synthesis speeds during the whole rolling process for obtaining compact material. Based on the discussed X-ray structural analysis, structural images of the obtained TiB06 material are shown,
the structure of which proves good resistance to high-intensity dynamic impact loads. Ballistic tests were performed to determine the 3rd level (class) protection of the material.

Armor Ceramics, Hardness, Strength, Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis, Electric Rolling, Compaction
Published: Sep 27, 2020

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